Manning Community Hub, Manning, WA
The Manning Community Hub is a precinct that integrates community services and social activities south of Perth. The project costing $17 million was in response to a study stating that existing community facilities were at the end of their useful life. The centre comprises a new state-of-the-art Library, Community Hall, Aboriginal Community Centre, Child Health Clinic, Early Learning Centre incorporating a Toy Library and Play Group facility and the Manning Ripper Football Club. The Community Hub provides sustainable, modern, multi purpose spaces for groups and family services in one location. A 75 bay underground carpark maximises public open space for landscaping, public art and cultural activities.
Project Design Brief
A shallow drainage system was required to fit into the paving screed with safe grates suitable for pedestrians, wheelchairs and bicycles. Provision for multiple drain outlets to capture all the rainwater on the flat pavement was also required to eliminate ponding.
ACO's Solution
- BalconyDrain BD01 profile with Stainless Slotted Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates
- The channel has a 25mm overall depth enabling installation in the screed above the waterproof membrane
- The custom-made BD01 channel provides versatility as the drain outlets can be fabricated were specified along the channel
- The stainless grate meets wheelchair safety requirements AS 1428.2